Pros and Cons of Building Plywood Furniture

Are you on the fence about using plywood to build custom furniture? From sleek and stylish dining room tables, headboards to sideboards, plywood can be an affordable and durable choice for furniture projects. It is also easy to work with, allowing for creative customization of furnishings. Weighing the pros and cons of building your own furniture with plywood will help you make an informed decision that best fits your needs. So let’s explore what makes plywood a great option as well as some potential drawbacks to consider before getting started. Read on to learn more!

So Let’s Talk About What Plywood Is and The Best Types for Furniture

Plywood is an excellent material for furniture making because it is strong, durable, and easy to work with. It is made up of thin sheets of wood called laminations that are glued together in a cross-grain pattern, which gives it a lot of strength. It is also available in various finishes or veneers, so you can choose the perfect one for your project.

When choosing plywood for furniture making, it is important to select a type that is suitable for the piece you are planning to build. For example, if you are making a piece of furniture that will be used outdoors and be exposed to a lot of moisture, you will need to choose a type of plywood that is water-resistant.

Here are some of the best types of plywood to use in furniture making:

Baltic birch plywood:

This is arguably the most sought-after type of plywood (and my favorite to use). It is made from high-quality birch veneers, which makes it very strong and durable. It is also available in a variety of finishes, so you can choose the perfect one for your project. 

Marine-grade plywood:

This type of plywood is made from water-resistant materials, making it ideal for projects that will be exposed to moisture. It is also very strong and durable, making it a good choice for heavy-duty furniture.

MDF plywood:

This type of plywood is made from medium-density fiberboard, which makes it very smooth and easy to work with. It is also available in a variety of finishes, so you can choose the perfect one for your project.

Now That We Know About the Types of Plywood, Let’s Talk About Some of the Benefits

Plywood is also relatively inexpensive, although in recent years, the price has increased significantly. But it can still be a cost-effective option for furniture making.

Here are some of the benefits of using plywood to make furniture:

  • Plywood is strong and durable. It is made up of multiple layers of wood that are glued together, which gives it a lot of strength. This makes it ideal for furniture that will be used frequently, such as tables and chairs.

  • Plywood is somewhat lightweight and easy to work with. It is much lighter than solid wood, which makes it easier to transport and assemble. It is also easy to cut and shape with common woodworking tools.

  • Plywood is relatively inexpensive. It is a cost-effective option for furniture making, especially when compared to solid wood.

  • Plywood is available in a variety of finishes. It can be stained, painted, or varnished to match any décor.

  • Plywood is a sustainable material. It is made from wood that is harvested from managed forests, which helps to protect the environment.

Overall, it is a great material for making furniture. It is strong, durable, lightweight, and easy to work with. It is also available in various finishes, making it easy to find the perfect piece for your home.

So Now Let’s Talk About Some of The Downsides of Plywood

I know I mentioned above that plywood is strong and durable, BUT it is not as strong as solid wood. This means that it is not as durable and can be more easily damaged. Plywood is also more likely to warp or split if it is not properly sealed. This is where having a trusted supplier will come in handy. And it is generally going to be cheaper than you can get from one of those big box stores.

Another downside of using plywood for furniture is that it can be more difficult to work with than solid wood. While those multiple layers of wood that are glued together to make it strong, this can make it difficult to cut and shape plywood, and it can also be difficult to get a smooth finish.

Finally, plywood may not be as aesthetically pleasing as solid wood in certain applications. The layers of wood in plywood can be visible, and this can give the furniture a less finished look. I will say, though, when using Baltic birch, the exposed edge of the plywood can also be a pro for this same reason. I have used Baltic birch plywood with exposed edges on a few projects, like my shop cabinets and this pretty cool adjustable bookshelf.

Overall, plywood is a good material for some projects, but it is not the best choice for all projects. When you are planning your furniture piece, you should carefully consider the pros and cons of using plywood for your desired piece before making a decision.

Here’s Some Of Fun Ways to Use Plywood In Furniture Making

One of the most common ways to use plywood in furniture making is to create flat surfaces, making it a top choice for tabletops, shelves, and drawer boxes. Check out these hidden plywood cabinets. To create a flat surface, the plywood sheets are glued together with the grain of each sheet running in a different direction. This creates a strong, stable surface that is resistant to warping.

Plywood can also be used to create curved surfaces. This is done by steaming the plywood until it is flexible and bending it into the desired shape. Once the plywood has cooled, it will hold its new shape. This technique can be used to create curved tabletops, chairs, and other furniture pieces.

Check Out These Tips For Using Plywood in Furniture:

  • If you decide to build plywood furniture, be sure to use high-quality plywood and follow the instructions carefully.

  • Plywood furniture can be a great way to save money and get a custom-made piece of furniture.

  • With a little planning and effort, you can build beautiful plywood furniture that will last for years to come.

Here Are Some More Timber Biscuit Pieces Where I Used Plywood

And you can find plans for these builds HERE.


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